Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla
Establishment, travel agency, church and place of worship at 132 Main South Road, Yankalilla, SA 5203, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Contact Information
Establishment Travel agency Church Place of worship
132 Main South Road
SA 5203
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+61 8 8387 9993
2 /5
Based on 1 reviews

Reviews of Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla
- Sally-Anne Pucek Added January 18, 2018★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆So much controversy has been stirred up about a charming congregation who had the misfortune to have an (appropriately named it seems) minister of religion called Father Nutter.
A damp plaster mark appeared in the old wall which has been surrounded by a metal kind of spiky artifice, reminiscent of an uncomfortable horse collar.
My heart goes out to the sincere believers and members and now the many former members of that small congregation. They were made to look a pack of loonies by a man named Nutter. How sad for a bunch of really nice people who were minding their own business and had a sudden deluge of publicity from every crackpot and nut job with nothing to do on a weekend but go and goggle at a media whipped sensation. Even the Atheists had to weigh in . It would be hilarious if it wasn't so very sad. Mary was a carrier of Christ and not related in any way. Why God would suddenly appear in the plaster of a nearly forgotten chapel when there are so many greater needs in the world to me beggars belief. It's nice to think that some may feel closer to God, but they could have done that at home. God is omniscient to those who believe. That means he does Home Delivery. You dont need to rush to Yankallilla to goggle at some proof of Him. Although the proceeds from your purchases may go some way toward defraying the cost of the new sewerage system the council has had to install at exorbitant cost. Yet again, the need for the system may have been caused by the crush of tourists needing to come , gawk, eat and poo nearby. Do the church and yourselves a favour and stay away. They are nice ppl and deserve a break. And father Nutter has shoved off , changing his name to the french spelling of Notre last I heard in the Advertiser. You won't even have the fun of referring to 'the old Nutter'. Notre doesn't have the same impact at all.
Questions & Answers
1. What is the phone number for Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla
The phone number for Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla is +61 8 8387 9993.2. Where is Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla located?
Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla is located at 132 Main South Road Yankalilla, SA 5203.3. Is there a primary contact for Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla
You can contact Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla by phone using number +61 8 8387 9993.4. What is the web address (URL) for Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla
The website for Christ Church Yankalilla with Shrine of Our Lady of Yankalilla is
Christ Church Yankalilla
Yankalilla, Church, Anglican, Delamere, St, James, Shrine, Christ Church Yankalilla, shrine our lady yankalilla
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Today's weather in Yankalilla SA
13:00 24 ℃ 1013 hPa 30 % 5 m/s 16:00
26 ℃ 1012 hPa 26 % 3 m/s 19:00
24 ℃ 1010 hPa 25 % 2 m/s 22:00
23 ℃ 1010 hPa 24 % 1 m/s
Tomorrow's weather in Yankalilla SA
01:00 23 ℃ 1008 hPa 32 % 3 m/s 04:00
25 ℃ 1007 hPa 40 % 5 m/s 07:00
23 ℃ 1010 hPa 62 % 5 m/s 10:00
20 ℃ 1013 hPa 75 % 3 m/s 13:00
19 ℃ 1013 hPa 87 % 2 m/s 16:00
21 ℃ 1012 hPa 80 % 2 m/s 19:00
20 ℃ 1013 hPa 88 % 2 m/s 22:00
18 ℃ 1015 hPa 90 % 4 m/s